Test systems | Contact | Worldwide
We prefer to get in touch with our customers directly and personally.
We will take the time to answer all of your questions.

TEST-FUCHS Headquarter Test-Fuchs Straße 1-5 | A-3812 Groß Siegharts
E-Mail: office [at] test-fuchs.com | Tel.: +43 2847 9001 0 | Fax: +43 2847 9001 299

TEST-FUCHS Ansprechpartner - Head of Sales
Mr. Thomas Koppensteiner
Head of Sales
TEST-FUCHS Ansprechpartner - Head of Sales Region UK and Americas
Mr. Izzy Richmond
Head of Sales Region UK and Americas
TEST-FUCHS Ansprechpartner - Head of Sales Europe, Sweden
Mr. Pascal Le Merdy
Head of Sales Europe, Sweden