For future apprentices
Come for a taster - Any time.
Visit us for one or more days as part of your school's work experience weeks. And get to know our company. This is possible all year round, confirmation from parents and school is required. Click here for the registration form link.
Apprentices information evenings – 2x per year.
We regularly organize information evenings for apprentices on-site at Groß Siegharts, you can participate and take your family with you. We give you first-hand information and a detailed insight in our apprentices training and in our company.
For schools & universities
Individual company tours.
Depending on the educational focus, we offer individually tailored and customized company tours at our site in Groß-Siegharts. We look forward to welcoming interested pupils and students and giving you an insight behind the scenes.
For all job requests
Contact us if you have questions concerning open positions at TEST-FUCHS. We can answer all your questions before you send your application documents. We look forward to inform you about the variety of job options under T+43 2847 9001-750.