Integration of Fuel Cell & Electrical power trains applications in Aircraft GSE for civil and military applications

It is important to us to respond to you as a customer and to adapt our products to your system requirements and specific applications

  • Experience - the pros and cons of hydrogen with fast moving demonstrator projects
  • Learn – based on the demonstrator projects the organisation is able to identify the relevant questions
  • Partners – work with strategic partners to move fast and use existing technology from Europe
  • Strategy – Identify strategic core technologies which are relevant for future applications and your business model
  • Supply Chain – Establish your “new” Supply chain to deal with the challenges for airborne operations in the hydrogen age
  • Product – Develop hydrogen related products and services which serves your customers and the environment


Concept Study for Fuel Cell  integration or H2 engine on existing hydraulic equipment

The figure below shows a demonstrator using existing equipment to make H2 technology come alive for you and give a better understanding of the system.


We are working on developments and ideas on how we can expand and improve the GSE with our knowledge. Capturing and storing the boil-off H2 gas is a big issue so that as little as possible of the valuable energy carrier is lost or wasted. Likewise, the initial filling of a still warm LH2 tank after longer periods of rest, such as after maintenance work, is an important task. It is examined whether a separate tanker is required for this or whether the process can also be carried out at an existing tank station.