TEST-FUCHS offers interested people many opportunities for cooperation. At TEST-FUCHS you can gain your first experience in the course of an internship, receive a financial grant for excellent academic achievements or write scientific papers together with TEST-FUCHS.
Practical training at TEST-FUCHS
TEST-FUCHS offers schoolchildren and students the opportunity to gain valuable practical experience as part of a holiday internship. In addition, interns can gain exciting insights into the departments of an international aerospace company.
We offer technical as well as commercial challenges in various areas and the opportunity to build up an initial network for your professional career.
We particularly address talented schoolchildren who want to work in an international family company and who are motivated to immerse themselves in new subject areas. We particularly want to address applicants with the following training focus:
- HTL: in particular electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, mechatronics, electronics and computer science
- University / FH: in particular electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, mechatronics, electronics and computer science, technical physics, marketing or controlling
- Vocational higher commercial school
Please send your detailed and complete application documents using our online application form.
- Motivation letter
- CV including photo
- School reports / academic success results
We offer helpful application tips, which you can find here.
We select the most interesting interns from the applications. We look forward to your creative application.
TEST-FUCHS scholarship
for technology students (m / f / d) related to the “Waldviertel”
In order to support technology students and promote young people with high potential in the Austrian region of Waldviertel, we award a TEST-FUCHS scholarship every year. In addition, we offer the possibility of a separately paid holiday practice job in our company, where talented students can gain their first professional experience and get to know TEST-FUCHS by working directly on projects.
What is important?
- you are a student at a technical university or university of applied sciences
- with a specialization in electrical engineering and information technology, mechanical engineering, computer science or technical physics
- you have an outstanding to good academic success
- and you have a connection to the Waldviertel?
If we have aroused your interest, check whether the application phase has started and apply via “Current Jobs / TU Scholarship” using the online form. We wish you success!
Projects at TEST-FUCHS
TEST-FUCHS offers a range of possibilities for cooperation in projects for A-levels, Bachelor or Master papers or other scientific papers, related with the company’s industry and sectors of business. Contact us directly with the specifics of your project.
If you have a specific project or request, you can contact us at ausgefuchstertyp [at] test-fuchs.com.