The TEST-FUCHS trainee program for technological high school graduates allows you an ideal entry into the world of engineering. You will be offered the possibility of getting to know different fields of activity and take increasing responsibility for concrete projects in the course of the trainee program. We also provide you profound insight into related areas of expertise. In the process we focus on your professional and personal development.
Thanks to your individual employee training program as well as target and progress discussions you will develop your skills as a junior engineer to take over a position within the TEST-FUCHS group which is exactly appropriate for you.
Overview of details:
DURATION: 6 months
REQUIREMENTS: very good technological high school degree in the field of electrical engineering / electronics & information technology / mechanical engineering – systems engineering / mechatronics or automation technology
START OF THE PROGRAM: at the next possible time
SITE: Groß-Siegharts
WORK EXPERIENCE ABROAD: Assignments on site at customers’ premises for commissioning and acceptance tests
TARGET POSITION AFTER SUCCESSFUL COMPLETION: We will decide on it in the course of the program (e.g. automation technology; electronics, electrical or software development or mechanical, fluid or cryogenic engineering).
- 1. online job application on TEST-FUCHS career page possible at any time
- 2. preselection on the basis of the application documents
PROGRAM WORKFLOW: Your individual program will be established after the application process.
KEY DATA OF THE Trainee program: Individual employee education program
- 6-8 projects - assignments
- commitment abroad
- advanced training
- milestone discussions
- senior mentor as a buddy
OPTION: If you desire to study while in employment, we will support you after completion of the trainee program.
Development and Advanced Training within the Program
Our trainees receive an individual development plan and get a mentor who is an experienced engineer in our company.
The program includes a number of stages, participation in concrete customer projects as well as advanced training events and at least one stay abroad.
Profile of our Candidates
- very good technological high school degree – this also includes your thesis - in the field of electrical engineering / electronics & information technology / mechanical engineering - systems engineering / mechatronics or automation technology
- internships in the area of expertise
- excellent German and good English skills
- willingness to work in an international context
- relation to aviation is an asset
- good analytical and conceptual thinking
- proactivity and commitment
Why Should You Choose Us?
We offer
- a fascinating entry into the world of engineering in an internationally operating company in the aviation and aerospace industry
- target-oriented development of your professional, personal and intercultural skills
- challenging tasks
- international experience
Specialist / Advanced Training
- Fluid engineering (hydraulic knowledge)
- CAD/PLM – basic and advanced training
- TEST-FUCHS software training
- Framework conditions for engineering in aviation – overview of aviation systems and components
Personality Development and General Skills
- Basics of communication
- Basics of project management
- International competence